Total points: 86 out of 100. Reviewed by "ABH" |
Wine type: | Red Wine |
The wine is from: | France |
Alcohol percentage: | 13,00% |
Grapes: | Pinot Noir |
Wine merchant: | Flaschenpost (Schweiz) |
Price in Danish Kroner: | 701,42 kr. |
Wine was bought the: | 13-06-2024 |
The wine was reviewed the: | 05-07-2024 |
The wine is from vintage: | 2018 |
The wine is from the region: | Bourgogne |
The wine has the classification: | Vosne-Romanée |
The wine was produced by: | J. Confuron-Cotetidot |
Starting Points: | 40 | |
General colour and appearance: | 4 | |
Aroma, scent and bouquet: | 11 | |
Taste: | 16 | |
Aftertaste: | 7 | |
Intensity, balance, purity, depth, potential for further storage: | 8 | |
Point: | 86 | |
Price points: | 0 | |
| | |
Total points: | 86 | |
Meget nydelig farve, god dybde og flotte gardiner. Duften er nydelig, klassisk bourgogne med hindbær noter og masser af frugt. Den er noget intens i næsen og skal have noget luft, men bliver så ganske udemærket uden at være super prangende. Smagen er fin og venlig, stadig en del syre med frugten, men i det store og hele er den udemærket. God frugt og fin længde, men noget dyr. |