Total points: 94 out of 100. Reviewed by "ABH" |
Wine type: | Dessert Wine |
The wine is from: | France |
Alcohol percentage: | 11,00% |
Grapes: | Gewürztraminer |
Wine merchant: | Huhe |
Price in Danish Kroner: | 238,56 kr. |
Wine was bought the: | 19-07-2014 |
The wine was reviewed the: | 12-10-2024 |
The wine is from vintage: | 2006 |
The wine is from the region: | Alsace |
The wine has the classification: | AOC Alsace |
The wine was produced by: | Hugel |
The producers homepage: | |
Starting Points: | 40 | |
General colour and appearance: | 5 | |
Aroma, scent and bouquet: | 14 | |
Taste: | 18 | |
Aftertaste: | 9 | |
Intensity, balance, purity, depth, potential for further storage: | 8 | |
Point: | 94 | |
Price points: | 0 | |
| | |
Total points: | 94 | |
Meget smuk, gylden farve. Fede gardiner og vældig flot i glasset. Duften er fyldt med honning og sødme, krydderi og magi. Virkelig dejlig næse, sødmefyldt men meget kompleks. Smagen er blød og venlig, krydret og saftig med en let syre og en fin krydret eftersmag. Sødmen holdes flot i skak af den friske syre og krydderierne. Vældig dejlig og lang eftersmag. Super glas vin! |