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Wine Review

M. Chapoutier Les Meysonniers

Weber Vonesch (Schweiz), 164,68 kr.

Total points: 85 out of 100.
Reviewed by "ABH"

Additional information
Wine type:Red Wine
The wine is from:France
Alcohol percentage:12,50%
Wine merchant:Weber Vonesch (Schweiz)
Price in Danish Kroner:164,68 kr.
Wine was bought the:12-08-2024
The wine was reviewed the:12-10-2024
The wine is from vintage:2021
The wine is from the region:Rhône
The wine has the classification:Cornas
The wine was produced by:M. Chapoutier
The producers homepage:

Starting Points:40 
General colour and appearance:4 
Aroma, scent and bouquet:11 
Intensity, balance, purity, depth, potential for further storage:8 
Price points:0 
Total points:85 

"ABH" has described the wine in the following way
Meget nydelig farve, ren og fin med pæne gardiner. Duften er krydret og mørk, klassisk rhöne stil med urter og sorte oliven. Krydret og fin. Smagen er ligeledes krydret og ren, men god syre som holder den mørke frugt og bær fint i skak. God længde på eftersmagen. Skal ligge lidt. The review was done in the language dk